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Perfis para Indústria

Mechanical Metal Industry

This profile type is for the automotive, naval and aeronautical sectors; companies that produce motors, electrical panels and transformers; within the hospital and musical instrument segments.

Some of the products offered in the standard open lines are: flat bars, finishings, connections, handrails, partitions, awnings and covers, linings and façades.

Furniture Industry

The use of aluminum profiles in the furniture sector combines beauty, strength and durability while producing furniture, accessories, tools, coatings, finishes, decoration pieces and luminaries.

Photovoltaic Panel

It is a stronger and safer material. Used to fix the panel on mechanical, metallic or fiber cement tiles and also flat slabs.

Road Implements

Used for body manufacturing, the aluminium profiles make the implements much lighter, simplify conservation and maintenance, add greater resale value and make it possible to recycle aluminium at the end of its useful life.

*Ilustrative Images


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